In 2019, American consumers spent nearly $20 billion at locally owned businesses and restaurants on the day of Small Business Saturday! But just like everything else in 2020, things are a bit different this year. With many shoppers stuck at home in the pandemic, we at Honeycomb Credit transformed Small Business Saturday into the biggest small business investing holiday of the year!
This multi-channel marketing campaign drove $160,000+ in investments to small businesses across the nation through the course of Small Business Saturday weekend. I led my team to:
Build a Small Business Saturday Resource Hub
Run a zero-fee investor promotion with a week of email blasts and social media posts leading up to the promotion
Host a webinar to help businesses prepare for Small Business Saturday, with an accompanying blog guide
Create a free downloadable social media kit
Launch a Small Business Saturday Virtual Market with 75+ participating businesses across the U.S.
Run Facebook, Instagram, and Google ads